
0408 579 312

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Applied Emotional Intelligence

Cognitive Principle Matrix

A self-learning psycho education counselling and coaching course

We can help you address and overcome the following mental health concerns

Schedule a free
15 minute phone consultation.




  • Counsellor -18 years experience


  • Master of Arts -Counselling 2008
  • Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy 2005
  • Fellow Certified Practising Accountant 1985


  • Australian Counselling Association [ACA]-Counsellor [level 4-highest level]
  • ACA College of Supervisors [level 3] Highest level
  • ACA College of Clinical Counsellors
  • Certified Practising Accountant [FCPA]

Practical Experience:

  • Worked for 5 years part-time as the sole counsellor at a drug and alcohol rehab [Active Recovery Centre] in Springvale, with a high focus on anger management. [2006-2010]
  • Worked part time for 5 years at Waverley Counselling centre with a broad range of clients, counselling for anxiety, depression, couples counselling and other mental illnesses. [2006-2010]
  • Started my own business in counselling in 2010 in Glen Waverley, specializing in anger management and couples counselling.
  • Started a new business with a partner between 2005-2008, Global Ears Limited. The company registered IP patents in 40 countries. Position: Part-time Finance Director, responsible for all commercial matters, including staff selection. Responsible for all government grant submissions for R&D funding. Successfully raised funding for two projects under the Commercial Ready and Climate Ready Schemes, the outcome of which won the following awards:
  1. ABC TV Inventor of the Year [2006]
  2. Worksafe Australia Award [2007] Best Solution to Health and Safety in Australia.
  3. Australian Export Award [2008] Best Small Business in Australia.

Cognitive Principle Matrix

  • In 2003 I started developing a therapy called Principle Therapy [PT], based on a simple matrix.
  • The original matrix in 2003 was based on Stephen Covey’s classic 1989 book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. His premise was that there was a conflict between a persons’ “Character Ethic” and their “Personality Ethic”. I renamed these terms “Principle Thinking” and “Comparative Thinking” and started to create a matrix call the Principle Matrix.
  • Tested the principles by starting and operating a new business between 2005-2008, Global Ears limited.
  • Between 2003 and 2017 the Principle therapy became Cognitive Principle Therapy and the matrix became the Cognitive Principle Matrix. During that period the CPM developed into a hierarchy of principles based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and comprised 5 levels, 7 rules and 35 principles.
  • In 2018 the model changed substantially based on the release of two books, namely, Stephen Porges’ “Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory” and Christian Krommes’ “Humification”. The CPM went from a 5 level model to a 7 level model. There are now 7 levels, 7 rules, 49 principles.
  • Between 2018 and 2021 changes were made to the matrix to include ideas from Lisa Feldman’s 2017 book “How Emotions are made” and Iain McGilchrists’ 2011 book “The Master and his Emissary-The Divided brain.” and Daniel Kahneman’s 2011 book “Thinking Fast and Slow”
  • The 2024 version of the CPM includes all the changes between 2018 -2021, but more importantly, inclusions from the release of Iain McGilchrists’ book [November, 2021] “The Matter with Things” and Anil Seth’s 2021 book “Being You”

Practical Experience:

  • Worked for 5 years part-time as the sole counsellor at a drug and alcohol rehab [Active Recovery Centre] in Springvale, with a high focus on anger management. [2006-2010]
  • Worked part time for 5 years at Waverley Counselling centre with a broad range of clients, counselling for anxiety, depression, couples counselling and other mental illnesses. [2006-2010]
  • Started my own business in counselling in 2010 in Glen Waverley, specializing in anger management and couples counselling.
  • Started a new business with a partner between 2005-2008, Global Ears Limited. The company registered IP patents in 40 countries. Position: Part-time Finance Director, responsible for all commercial matters, including staff selection. Responsible for all government grant submissions for R&D funding. Successfully raised funding for two projects under the Commercial Ready and Climate Ready Schemes, the outcome of which won the following awards:
  1. ABC TV Inventor of the Year [2006]
  2. Worksafe Australia Award [2007] Best Solution to Health and Safety in Australia.
  3. Australian Export Award [2008] Best Small Business in Australia.

Cognitive Principle Matrix

  • In 2003 I started developing a therapy called Principle Therapy [PT], based on a simple matrix.
  • The original matrix in 2003 was based on Stephen Covey’s classic 1989 book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. His premise was that there was a conflict between a persons’ “Character Ethic” and their “Personality Ethic”. I renamed these terms “Principle Thinking” and “Comparative Thinking” and started to create a matrix call the Principle Matrix.
  • Tested the principles by starting and operating a new business between 2005-2008, Global Ears limited.
  • Between 2003 and 2017 the Principle therapy became Cognitive Principle Therapy and the matrix became the Cognitive Principle Matrix. During that period the CPM developed into a hierarchy of principles based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and comprised 5 levels, 7 rules and 35 principles.
  • In 2018 the model changed substantially based on the release of two books, namely, Stephen Porges’ “Clinical Applications of the Polyvagal Theory” and Christian Krommes’ “Humification”. The CPM went from a 5 level model to a 7 level model. There are now 7 levels, 7 rules, 49 principles.
  • Between 2018 and 2021 changes were made to the matrix to include ideas from Lisa Feldman’s 2017 book “How Emotions are made” and Iain McGilchrists’ 2011 book “The Master and his Emissary-The Divided brain.” and Daniel Kahneman’s 2011 book “Thinking Fast and Slow”
  • The 2022 version of the CPM includes all the changes between 2018 -2021, but more importantly, inclusions from the release of Iain McGilchrists’ book [November, 2021] “The Matter with Things” and Anil Seth’s 2021 book “Being You”


Experience a transformative journey towards inner peace.
Are you a passionate entrepreneur seeking.
Providing expert guidance and support to help couples
Empowering individuals to achieve their goals.


  • Coursecomprises 10 
  • Courselength is about 2 hours and includes 70 
  • Module1 —Spirituality
  • Module2 —Values-Principles
  • Module3 —Cognition-thoughts
  • Module4 —Energy
  • Module5-Senses
  • Module6- Emotions
  • Module7-Behaviour
  • Module8-Self
  • Module9- Personality
  • Module10-RuIes

CPM Teaching

Providing expert guidance and support to help couples

CPM Coaching

Providing expert guidance and support to help couples

How does it work

CPM Coaching uses the Matrix and follows three steps.
Step One

Understands the goal to be achieved and helps the client create a right brain creative solution to that goal, using the default mode network.

Step Two

Works with the client to evaluate and create a left brain analysis of the idea created in Step One.

Step Three

Uses the clients right brains’ intuition to refine or reject the left brain solution, then implement the solution.

How long has it been in use

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0 +
0 %

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